Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you have plots for sale?

    Yes! Plots are available for sale in each of our four cemeteries. In the Grandview Cemetery, all available plots are located on the south (new) side of the cemetery.

  • Can I place a concrete curb around the plots I own?

    Yes! Contact us so we can mark the boundaries of your plots and give you the name and number of our approved contractor.

  • Can you help me locate my ancestors graves?

    Possibly. Our cemeteries were in existence for quite a long time before records were kept. The Association is working constantly to update our records. We will do our best to help in your search, but we can’t make any promises.

  • Who is responsible for the care and maintenance of my family member's plots?

    The cemeteries owned by the Grandview Cemetery Association are perpetual care cemeteries. Our contracted groundskeeper mows and picks up fallen limbs. Community volunteers tend to broken and sinking headstones and tree trimming during our annual workday. The number of graves in our cemeteries significantly outweighs the manpower of our volunteers. We love to see family members taking care for their loved ones resting place.

  • Can I plant trees, flowers, or place personal items at my loved ones grave?

    Personal items, plants, and trees are allowed within the plot. Rose bushes are prohibited. Items may be moved or removed by the association, or our contractors, during the normal course of cemetery care and maintenance.

  • I plan to be cremated, can my ashes be interred at your cemetery?

    Yes! Plots can be purchased for the interment of ashes. Please contact the Association for information regarding the cremation interment process.