Oakland Cemetery

7501 E. FM 916 Grandview, TX 76050


OAKLAND CEMETERY occupies approximately 2 acres of land on FM 916.  There are 90 stone markers and it is believed several unmarked graves exist on the site.

Mr. Phillip (Philip) Walker (1815-1897) came to Johnson County in 1855; and in 1860 purchased land west of Grand View, where he farmed and raised livestock.  His property was on the site of an abandoned Indian village near “The Big Spring” now known locally as “Walker Spring”.  He contributed money, land, and labor to establish a school.

John Collier was hired as Headmaster and is credited with naming the area “Oakland”.  One of the school’s original students Miss Sallie A. Gentry became the first burial in Oakland Cemetery when she died in 1866.

Phillip Walker (said to be a kinsman of James Fannin) had been a soldier in the War for Texas Independence from Mexico, and is reported to have helped bury the dead after the Goliad massacre.  Walker arrived at San Jacinto April 22, 1836.  In 1936, the State of Texas honored Phillip Walker and his wife, Elizabeth, by moving their remains from Oakland Cemetery to the Texas State Cemetery in Austin, Texas next to their son, James, who spent a lifetime serving the State of Texas.

Mrs. Tellitha Estes Cooper (1837-1881) is buried at Oakland.  Her husband Pvt. Merriman Cooper, CSA, died in 1863 at Camp Douglas, III as a prisoner of war.

Samuel Hamilton served the area as both a Methodist Episcopal minister and as a physician.  His imposing headstone to the left of the main entrance.  

Grandview Cemetery Association assumed responsibility for maintaining Oakland Cemetery in 1981.

In 2000, a local landowner donated the pipe fence, 2 gates and the overhead sign (Oakland c1866).  Also, in 2000 the Camp Henderson Descendants of Confederate Veterans repaired, restored, and cleaned every headstone in the cemetery.

Historic Cemetery Status was awarded to Oakland Cemetery by the Texas Historical Commission in 2007.

Johnson County Historical Commission recognized Oakland as a Johnson County Historic Landmark in 2019.


Grandview Cemetery


Odom Cemetery